Launching Seminar on Decolonizing Research Methodologies

The Launching Seminar of the Research School Programme Decolonizing Research Methodologies aimed to bring together participants from the six partner universities (UNB, Burkina Faso; ISH, Mali; SORRECE, Tanzania; SLU, Sweden; SU, Sweden; and UU, Sweden), totalling participants from five African countries. The Seminar cosisted of 15 days of intense course on decolonization in practice and on fieldwork methodology.

This first year joint activity was exploratory in the sense that PhD-students, postdocs, and faculty engaged in a training and learning process that aims to develop courses and curricula of the programme’s coming field courses. Seminar, lectures, round-tables, workshops, walk-and-talks, were all combined with fieldwork in four Gotlandic parishes: Burgsvik, Klintehamn, Östergarn, and Fårösund. The Launching Seminar Programme is available here

Next year we will go to Tanzania as the second destination country of this truly traveling seminar.

Media voices


Most of the participants gathered at Sergels Torg during our Walk-and-Talk in the political heart of Stockholm.


Open Seminar on 10 Oct at Gotlands Museum


Oulia translated tirelessly during the Launching Seminar 26 Sept-11 Oct.



Planning trip to our partner in Tanzania at the Society and Religion Research Center. From left to right: Sten Hagberg, Thomas Ndaluka, Patrice Toé, and Oulia Makkonen. More info, click om the image


Launching the Research School at the Humanities Theatre, Uppsala University, 27 Sept. 2022. more info click on the image.


Text Seminar at Uppsala University


Fieldwork at Burgsvik in Southern Gotland


Team Klintehamn reports from fieldwork. More info, click on the image


Baba, Fatoumata and N'gna of the Malian delegation ready to affront the winds of Visby


The Burkinabe delegation on the boat leaving Visby (for this time): Justine, Jacqueline, Sten, Patrice, and Laurent


Sten guided the Walk and Talk in the City of Stockholm. Thomas and Patrice are listening.