The beginnings...
The Forum for Africa Studies was created by the Disiciplinary Domain of the Humanities and Social Sciences in September 2011. From the beginning, the Forum was located at the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology with Professor Sten Hagberg as its Chair. The Board was constituted by representatives of the six faculties in the Humanities and Social Sciences. In March 2012, the Forum was publicly launched in conjunction with an international meeting of the Pan African University.
Founding Board-Members of the Forum for Africa Studies:
Chair/Director: Sten Hagberg
Faculty of Languages: Ashleigh Harris
Faculty of Social Sciences: Mimmi Söderberg Kovacs
Faculty of Theology: Kajsa Ahlstrand
Faculty of Law: Inger Österdahl
Faculty of Arts: Paul Sinclair
Faculty of Education: Peter Waara
PhD Student Representative: Vera Wilhelmsen
Student Representative: Jenny Ekström
Between 2012 and 2015, several coordinators and assistants worked with Forum on part-time basis: Gabriella Körling (2012-15), Jesper Bjarnesen (2012), and Eren Zink (2015-17). Rosalie Post, then Master Student in Cultural Anthropology, was intern in August-September 2015.
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