Developing the virtual

In 2020 just betfore the breakout of the world-wide corona pandemic, the Forum launched its second virtual seminar series - Séminaire virtuel du LACET - as to compement the UU/UEM Virtual Seminars in Africa Studies. That meant that we were relatively well prepared to face the global challenge. We hosted lors of vrtual seminars duringg the corona crsis.

And yet the West Africa Conference was postponed twice and was finally organized online in June 2021. Still, In December 2020, the Forum co-hosted the AIM-day in collaboration with the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD).

In November 2020, a book launch óf Securité par le bas was hosted in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, drawing strong media attention. 

In the midst of the pandemic, the Forum engaged in collaborative engaged research on political struggles in Mali which led to the Fall of President Keïta. Another important initiative was the Skin-lightening project driven by Ulrika Trovalla, Oulia Makkonen, Clementina Amankwaah, and Véronique Simon. 

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The Forum co-hosted with the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy an online AIMDay on local democracy in conjunction with the Local Democracy Academy. Click on the image.



Pre-Corona Video-conference with participants from Burkina Faso and Mali


Place de l'Indépendance, Bamako, Mali. Engaged collective research on citizen struggle in Mali took place June-September 2020. The published results are forthcoming in late 2023. Click on the image