Ensemble, on n'est jamais seul

The Forum for Africa Studies is collaborating with a wide range of institutions and actors, both locally in Uppsala and Sweden at large, and internationally, particularly on the African continent. The bringing together of reserarchers and students, policymakers and the general public, is a key ambition.

The Forum engages in longterm partnerships with African universities and reseach institutes, as well as with like-minded partners like Nordic Africa Institute, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. We have also a very fruitful and intense collaboration with Upsala Nya Tidning. The Forum has also a long-term collaboration with Mande Studies Association, with which we have organized international conferences in June 2021 in Uppsala, and in June 2024 in Bamako.

Since 31 May 2023, the Forum is full member of the European African Studies Association (AEGIS). This is a network of excellence that brings together some 40 European research centres in African Studies. AEGIS hosts the biennial European Conference on African Studies, most recently ECAS9 on African Futures in Cologne, Germany, 31 May-3 June 2023. The ECAS10 on African, Afropolitan, and Afropean Belongs will take place in Prague, Czech Republic 25-28 June 2025.



Forum for Africa Studies and Upsala Nya Tidning regularly co-host panel conversations in the Aula Magna on themes related to racism and afrophobia in Sweden.