Collaboration with African universities and institutes

The Forum for Africa Studies builds on longterm institutional collaborations as to gain momentum and institutional synergies. Longterm partnerships include those with the Institut des Sciences des Sociétés (Burkina Faso), the Point Sud (Mali), the LASDEL (Niger), and the Dept. of Archaeology and Anthropology, and the Centre for Africa Studies at Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique). A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in March 2019 with the Institut des Sciences Humaines (ISH) in Bamako. A Francophone research lab LACET was founded between researchers from Burkina Faso, Mali, and Sweden.

Currently, the most important ongoing programmes include Strengthening Municipal Democracy and Local Development in Mozambique, Decolonizing Research Methodologies, and Citizen Perspectives on Societal Challenges in Mali.

Different departments have their own agreements with African universities, including the Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History, International Maternal and Child Health, the Dept. of Peace and Conflict Research, and the Dept. of Theology. Read more on Africa research and higher education here



The most recent partnership is that developed with Society and Religion Research Center (SORRECE) at the Universoity of Dar es Salaam. Click on the image to read more about the upcoming Summer School developed through this partnership.


The creation of the LACET between Burkinabe, Malian and Swedish partners is a major initaitive in Forum's collaborative efforts. More info, click on the image


Baba Coulibaly, Director of the Institut des Sciences Humanes in Bamako, and Sten Hagberg, Director of the Forum for Africa Studies, in Bamako in April 2019.