Since the launching in March 2012, Uppsala University's Forum for Africa Studies has hosted some 350 events (seminars, lectures, roundtables, film screenings, workshops, symposia, conferences), mostly at Uppsala University, but increasingly also at collaborating institutions in Africa. 2015-22 we led a collaborative project on Health, Politics, and Culture in Africa, which explains why many activities and research projects explore the interface of social sciences and humanities, on the one hand, and the medical and pharmaceutical sciences, on the other. We are also leading projects in Mozambique on municipal democracy, wellbeing, and biocultural heritage. In Burkina Faso, we study ongoing socio-political transformations from the perspectives of local actors in municipalities. Current projects also include Citizen Perspectives on Societal Challenges in Mali, and the Research School Decolonizing Research Methodologies.
For more info about our recent activities, consult our 2023 Annual Report. From January 2023, the Forum has a broadened mission to cover the whole university.To follow our upcoming events consult this page and/or follow us on Facebook.